Below you will find events held in English. To find out about Parelli natural horsemanship workshops for beginners and advanced held in Polish click here.
Workshops with Julia
Julia teaches all around Poland but also travels abroad. To organise a workshop with Julia you just need a group of interested riders and a safe, fenced arena. If you'd like to invite Julia to teach at your place email us: [email protected]
Private Lessons with Julia
Julia is available for natural horsemanship and riding one-on-one lessons for both beginners and advanced riders as well as for complete newbies. If you are based in Warsaw area, Poland or in Łódź Julia would be happy to travel to you and your horse for a private riding or horsemanship lesson (In any other locations one-on-one lessons are available only if you book Julia for a full day). If you don't have a horse of your own you can book a lesson with Julia at Anka Rancho with one of the local natural horsemanship schoolmasters. For more info click here.
Julia teaches all around Poland but also travels abroad. To organise a workshop with Julia you just need a group of interested riders and a safe, fenced arena. If you'd like to invite Julia to teach at your place email us: [email protected]
Private Lessons with Julia
Julia is available for natural horsemanship and riding one-on-one lessons for both beginners and advanced riders as well as for complete newbies. If you are based in Warsaw area, Poland or in Łódź Julia would be happy to travel to you and your horse for a private riding or horsemanship lesson (In any other locations one-on-one lessons are available only if you book Julia for a full day). If you don't have a horse of your own you can book a lesson with Julia at Anka Rancho with one of the local natural horsemanship schoolmasters. For more info click here.
On Line Lessons with Julia
One of the perks of the 21st century - you can have an online lesson with Julia wherever your are! Julia offers both live online lessons and video coaching where you send Julia a video and discuss it during a call from the comfort of your home. For more info click here.
One of the perks of the 21st century - you can have an online lesson with Julia wherever your are! Julia offers both live online lessons and video coaching where you send Julia a video and discuss it during a call from the comfort of your home. For more info click here.
21-23 May 2021 - Clinic with Luis Lucio
Two-times Olympic rider and trainer who teaches classical dressage in accordance with Parelli Natural Horsemanship principles.
During the clinic riders will enjoy one per day one-on-one lesson with Luis. Riders of all levels and disciplines are accepted. Both riders and spectator places are available.
Working language: English
Location: Anka Rancho, ul. Wawrzyniecka 25, Glinanka, Poland
Visit Luis's website:
Email us for more information: [email protected]
3-5 September 2021 - Clinic with Berni Zambail
Clinic with Parelli Professional, Berni Zambail, the only European 6-Star Master Instructor and Horse Development Specialist. During the clinic each rider will enjoy a 2-hour-long lesson with Berni shared with another rider. Both riders and spectator places are available.
Working language: English
Visit Berni's website:
Location; Anka Rancho, ul. Wawrzynieck 25, Glinianka, Poland
Email us for more information [email protected]
Clinic with Parelli Professional, Berni Zambail, the only European 6-Star Master Instructor and Horse Development Specialist. During the clinic each rider will enjoy a 2-hour-long lesson with Berni shared with another rider. Both riders and spectator places are available.
Working language: English
Visit Berni's website:
Location; Anka Rancho, ul. Wawrzynieck 25, Glinianka, Poland
Email us for more information [email protected]